A Brief History of the Bagel

17th Century: Bagels Are Born out of Necessity

Bagels are created in 17th century Poland as a response to anti-Semitic laws preventing Polish Jews from baking bread. Jewish bakers circumvented these restrictions by boiling the dough before baking it.

19th Century: Immigration to North America

Polish Jews immigrate to North America and bring bagels with them. They become a staple food in New York and Montreal for both Jewish and non-Jewish communities. Which city makes better bagels? The debate rages on to this day.

Early 1900’s: Bagel Bakers Unionize

The Bagel Bakers Union Local 338 is established in New York City. The union helps establish better working conditions, regulates the bagel-making process, and promotes the expansion of the bagel industry.

1950’s: Bagel Rolling Machine Invented

The commercially viable bagel rolling machine revolutionizes the bagel industry. This innovation produces twice as many bagels with half the labor as hand-rolling, making bagels more accessible and affordable to the general public.

1960’s: Mass Production Leads to Mass Adoption

Lender's Bagels pioneers the technique of freezing bagels and shipping them to grocery stores across the US. This introduces bagels to consumers across the US, and Murray Lender’s marketing efforts popularizes them outside of Jewish communities.

2015: Rainbow Bagel A Viral Sensation

The colorful Rainbow Bagel becomes a viral social media phenomenon. This vibrant and visually striking bagel captures the imagination of consumers from around the world.

2021: The Best Bagels are Made…In California?

The New York Times publishes The Best Bagels Are in California (Sorry, New York). While the debate about bagel supremacy rages on, it underscores an essential truth: artisanal bagel-making has transcended New York to the West Coast and beyond.

2019: New York BagelFest Established

The New York BagelFest is established to celebrate and promote the bagel industry. This first-of-its-kind trade and consumer show is a platform that highlights artisans and businesses from around the world.

Today: Bagels Keep on Rolling

New chapters of the bagel’s history are being written every day. Join us in a class or tour and you won’t just learn more about the bagel’s history - you’ll become a part of this iconic food’s storied legacy.